Sunday, March 20, 2011

Cat skritches solve all!

Cat haters:
One of the main reasons people say they hate cats is 'cause they do their own thing - they don't give you love and support the way dogs do.

That's true. They don't slurp your face when you are sad.


Today I'm feelin' kinda down. I've slowly gained a lot of weight over the past years for various reasons (including the fact that I love food!)

Ok, so maybe my boyz don't help me this way.

I give a fuzz a skritch.




So I may not have gotten a face slurp, but I know my boyz are happy.

And all the purring and the skritchin makes me feel better.

So all you cat haters: I have definitively proved that your argument is invalid!

Welcome back me!!

I know - where have I been?????

The answer - VA & WV! Changed careers/ new job/ new place to live/ new life!!!

But the boyz are still here and creating even more mischief 'cause my apartment is bigger!!!

I have lots of fun stories (getting pulled over by a cop while taking 2 howling cats to the vet) and not so fun ones (peeing cats - the carpet, not the potty) and lots more crazy cat lady-filled adventures!

How do you spell    Crazy Cat Lady again?

So - I had been thinking about changing careers for a while, which also meant moving where the boyz could have more space to zoom, bugs to eat, and birds to watch out the window. After looking for a long time, my dream job came through and soon it was time to pack up all my, um, crap and hit the road to begin my new life - and I had to transplant 2 city cats to the suburbs of Northern VA.

How do you think that went?